24th Summer School European Private Law 3rd – 15th July 2023, Salzburg, Austria

Understanding different legal systems and their underlying principles in private law has become of the highest importance for lawyers wanting to play an important part in the globalised world of today. The Academy for European Private Law offers, in collaboration with the University of Salzburg and leading universities around the world, a programme aimed at helping achieve this goal.

The programme is organised as a Summer School, in which students are familiarised with the essentials of more than 30 different legal systems during two weeks. More than 40 professors as well as several Justices from Supreme Courts and/or the ECJ attend. They come from nearly all the European Union member states, but also well beyond that (Canada, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, among others) to introduce students to their respective legal systems and to discuss the main features of those legal systems. Issues which matter to comparative and international lawyers (such as law and language, mixed legal systems, legal transplants, methodology in comparative law, European harmonisation of private law or how to read the decisions of various supreme courts) are also discussed and further developed during the daily round tables, where a group of professors present their ideas and debate with the participants. Participants have the possibility to get a more practical view of the differences between legal systems during the workshops, where case studies are discussed in order to show how the same facts may or may not lead to different results in various legal systems. Lectures are mainly taught in English, but some are taught in parallel sessions (English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian). The workshops are organised in parallel sessions (English, German and French).

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